Do you want to feel ALIVE again?
In this overwhelming, overstimulating, chaotic world, is it even possible?
EASE is your natural state.
Calm. Centered. Grounded. Content. Vitality. Homeostasis. Wellbeing. Baseline. Basecamp. At Home. Safe in Your Own Skin. Resilient. Presence. Peace. Connected. Open. Radiance. Living Out Loud. Happiness. Light. Bliss. Grace. Love. Joy!
Imagine embodying this experience and remembering what it is like to feel like a human being, instead of a human doing. When you reconnect with a state of ease, your natural state, you can feel like your Self again! Not to mention an abundance of holistic benefits such as;
bullet point here:
clearer thinking, emotional steadiness, better sleep, gut health, reduced aches and pains, less dis-ease, sustainable spiritual connection, positive relationships, kindness, confidence, presence. Oh, and more energy, time, and money.
The truth is that you matter.
maybe put into its own quote with pink background
By the very nature of your existence, you belong. You are part of the interconnected web of life, woven into the fabric of divine humanity.
Are you coming from a state of ease or commonplace chronic stress?
> Are you White-knuckling through life, always feeling like you are "on?"
> Not feeling in control of how you feel in your body?
> Are you trying to keep a higher vibe for everyone else around you, when all you want to do is scream, run, or hide?
> Is there too much tech, scrolling, emotional eating, numbing out, toxic news?
> Doing, doing, doing for everyone else but you?
> Using sheer willpower or substances to power through?
> How to find time to relax or prioritize self-care?
> Sleep deprivation, annoying aches and pains, dis-ease?
> Wondering if you’ll ever feel like yourself again?
I understand.
I am blessed and challenged with a highly sensitive nervous system, the exquisite physiology designed in every human to interface between the external world and inner experience. I have wondered if mine was designed on the outside of my body instead of the inside. I often feel like I have a zillion antenna all over my body, making me hyper-aware of the everything around me. Add to that my empathic abilities, intuitive inclinations, and hypervigilant tendencies, life is alot. Sometimes I live in technicolor, other times I'd rather live in a cave. More on that later...need segue sentence...
Welcome to the Real Relaxation Academy!
Remember how to come back to life naturally with an empowering blend of nervous system education, robust restoration toolbox, mentorship, community, events, and more!
The heart of the Real Relaxation Academy is the core curriculum:
+ Understand the difference between synthetic slowing down and sustainable real relaxation choices, without judgment
+ Increase body awareness and life-saving nervous system regulation education
+ Amplify your body’s innate self-healing capacity
+ Honor your body's voice as the permission you are seeking to feel better
+ Take ownership of your time and learn to create white space in your calendar
+ Expand your toolbox to feel safer in your skin and include ways to calm down as well as energize up, rest deeply, and connect joyfully
+ Break free from the productivity trance, unplug from the matrix, and remember your divine humanity
Feel ALIVE again!
Beyond numbing, checking out, scrolling, tolerating, stressing, or self medicating, there are other ways to be.
Your body is hard-wired to experience calm, connection, creativity, curiosity, deep rest, peace, grace, and more.
You just need to remember how to really relax...
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I too much going on?
Exactly. The Real Relaxation Academy is about supporting you to cultivate more balance between doing and being. You do not have to do everything, a variety of digestible pieces are offered, and you will never be behind.
How long do I have access to the How to Really Relax™ program?
Forever. After enrolling into the Academy, you have unlimited access to this core curriculum, including updates.
Is this a monthly membership?
Yes and no. It is similar to many memberships in that the content delivered each month varies to some degree.
It is also designed as a supportive learning environment, an Academy, so that you strengthen your connection to your body and Self over time. Feeling more alive as a human be-ing in our disconnected, disembodied world is an ongoing process. I practice daily! We encourage you to view your annual membership as a journey, rather than monthly decision-making, so that you can focus on YOU without rushing, timelines, or pressure.
Of course, if you find that it is not a fit, you can unenroll anytime.
Do you have 30-day money back guarantee?
Yes, let us know within 30 days and receive a full refund, no questions asked.
Come back to life.
Honoring body wisdom is counter culture.
A restorative lifestyle isn't traditionally supported.
Regulating your nervous system isn't even on the radar of many health and wellness paradigms.
You matter.
Join the real relaxation reclamation.
With Love, Lisa