You deserve to feel connected, comfortable, and confident in your own skin.

Although honoring the body as a sacred vessel has not been valued for thousands of years, your birthright is to embody joy, experience vitality, and FEEL ALIVE!

C'mon, counter culture, come home.

You matter. Now is the time to align your physical experience with your divine magnificence.

I believe as we create more love in the body, we create more love in the world.

Hi, I'm Lisa Medley

As an energetically sensitive soul and empath, I know what chronic disconnect, depletion, and overwhelm feels like. The world is LOUD and gets faster by the millisecond. Exhausted by exhaustion, I unplugged from the matrix of cultural inhumanity years ago and have devoted my self and my life to thriving beyond survival mode, not tolerating "fine," and maintaining my experience as a divine human be-ing. I discovered that coming home to my body is the key to sustainable vitality, embodied spirituality, and soulful living.

I have been dancing like no one is watching since I was born and have over 20 years’ experience in the healing arts including a MA in Expressive Therapy, certification in therapeutic massage (CMT), facilitation of conscious dance and movement, training in life, wellness, and embodiment coaching. and a lifelong student in somatics, energy medicine, trauma education, and holistic healing.

In short, I am a body geek :-) I help others to remember what their body is - a natural, sacred vessel - and how it works, so they can feel more connected, comfortable, and confident in it!

I offer a variety of body-centered transformational programs in a sacred, judgment-free zone. Clients are empowered to take charge of their wellbeing, make peace with their body, reclaim its wisdom, and create a lifestyle that sustains their energy, ease, and grace. 

You matter. Now is the time to align your physical experience with your divine magnificence.